Edmond Y. Chang is writer, gamer, scholar, academic, pop culture nerd, and teacher. He is the author and designer of Tellings, a tabletop role-playing game, and Archaea, a live-action role-playing system. He is also an Assistant Professor of English at Ohio University. His areas of research include technoculture, race/gender/sexuality, video games, RPGs, feminist media studies, cultural studies, popular culture, and 20/21C American literature. He earned his Ph.D. in English at the University of Washington. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on American literature, feminist science fiction, writers of color, virtual worlds, games, popular culture, and more!
For questions or more information about the game, email tellingsrpg(at)gmail(dot)com.
Like and follow Tellings on Twitter (@tellingsrpg) and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tellingsrpg/.
To purchase Tellings, head over to Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tellings-Role-Playing-Storytelling-Edmond-Chang/dp/1978165471.
While you are there, take a look at Archaea Live-Action Role-Playing and Wargaming, a system and rulebook also by the creator of Tellings.